Social Responsibility

As a social responsibility RaEat Foods is always offering state-of-art uncommon services to society from time to time. Some of examples are :

Emergency food services to victims of flood in local area in area –

In Aug 2019 western Maharashtra had faced worst mansoon never before. Most of area of our local city is under water for almost two weeks and in village level it is more than that. All of sudden peoples are away from electricity, food, daily essentials. RaEat foods helps many needy civilization by serving various ready to eat products to survive them in this condition.

Drying of Wet papers/currencies/ Important documents –

During said flood situation in Aug 2019, many of important offices/banks are under water for more than two weeks. Lot many important documents/currencies have become wet and there is big question of its recovery/restoration . As freeze drying process is ultimate solution of recovery of such things, RaEat foods utilized its facility to recover things under interest of common public as one of best dedication towards social responsibility.

Emergency food to COVID -19 positives –

Due to COVID -19 condition lot many peoples had been remain in isolation in remote areas where there is problems in availability of food. RaEat foods offered valued service to them by offering ready to eat food to them as best solution of over basic need. It is nothing but as service to the society.RaEat foods is looking at every opportunity to serve people/ society by with products or services which is prime objective. We welcome many more suggestion/advice in Social Responsibility as we are engaging in basic need of human being i.e. Food.

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